Posts Tagged ‘Submissions’

2013 Endless Canvas BEST THROWIE CONTEST – (DEADLINE: January 31st)

Thursday, January 24th, 2013

2013 Endless Canvas Best Throwie Contest.

First, Second, and Third place prizes to whom ever can
rock “ENDLESS CANVAS” with the most style!

Solid Black outline on a white background. No colors or gradients. Freehand (No Digital Graphics)
We’re looking for a quick bombing style that would be feasable to actually execute under pressure.

It is OK to submit multiple styles.
Can be on any surface as long as it contrasts hard enough that we can convert it to solid black and white.

Email a high resolution scan or photograph to EndlessCanvas[at]
(If you don’t have access to a scanner we might ask you to physically mail it to us.)

The top six throwies will be posted to our facebook
on FEBRUARY 3rd, 2013. The throwie that receives the most comment votes within three days wins!

Will be featured on a T-Shirt and will get one of the shirts for FREE. As well as receiving every issue of the Endless Canvas zine we have in stock, and each of the 12”x18” limited edition screen printed posters we have available for FREE! Winner will be featured on the main page of the site and we’ll even post a flick of your street graffiti if you’d like.

Will receive all the issues of Endless Canvas we have in stock for FREE! We will also feature a photo of your street graffiti on the main page of the site if you’d like.

We will fit as many of the dope throwie styles as we can on a sheet of stickers to print hundreds of and send out with orders internationally.

Will receive a thank you shout out on
Let us know the alias you would like credited. (unless you prefer to stay anonymous)

By submitting work to this contest you are donating your design to Endless Canvas and giving us full print rights.

NOW ACCEPTING STICKERS! Get Distributed Internationally!

Saturday, October 6th, 2012

If you would like to have your art distributed to the far corners of the world without having to burn yourself out by packing a million orders or paying for crazy international shipping over and over then have Endless Canvas do it for you!

All you have to do is mail us a fat pack of stickers and we’ll turn it right around to our established fan base.


RPS Collective
c/o Endless Canvas
2278 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA 94612
United States of America

CALL FOR STICKER ART! Special Delivery – Portland 2011

Wednesday, May 4th, 2011

Call for sticker art.
More info about the show…


Taking submissions for our MASTHEAD Graphic

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

Graphic Submissions for Endless Canvas.

The Masthead is our main header graphic at the top of our site.
We would like to change it at least once a month depending on how many quality submissions we get.

If you would like to take this opportunity to support Endless Canvas and promote your self, you can find details here…