Posts Tagged ‘Party’

Kick Starter Campaign to Light the SPECIAL DELIVERY 2012 Graffiti Mural Exhibit

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

We have a beautiful abandoned ink factory full of over 50 murals from artists like Swampy, Optimist, GATS, Pemex, Nesta, Ras Terms, Del Phresh and many more. We would like to open it for public viewing on Sept 8th, 2012 but we need your help raising funds to rent generators and lights. We have loads of original artwork for thank you gifts for people who donate. Please tell your friends about our Kick Starter….

LOCALS ONLY Art Opening at RVCA – San Francisco, CA

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

(Above piece by NART)

(Above pieces by NART)

(Top right piece by TWIST)

HOODSTOCK New York is Here!

Friday, May 21st, 2010

Oakland is a lonely place as many of our friends traveled out to Brooklyn to represent the Town this weekend.

Hoodstock Brooklyn New York 2010.