Music video by Zion I performing ShadowBoxing. 2013 Live Up.
Filmed inside Endless Canvas’s SPECIAL DELIVERY Bay Area 2012 (Large Scale Mural Exhibit).
Graffiti Art:Curated by Endless Canvas as part of the SPECIAL DELIVERY 2012 Exhibit. Featuring Anemal, Jurne, Rekn, Yoder, Grow, Depht, Enor, Meck, Enero, Ernest Doty, GATS, Jules Muck, Vator, Scez, Just Becauz, Goser, Samri, M4M, Imp, Kure, Logic, Jaut, Omega, Ghost Owl, Plant Trees, Leach, Cops, Swampy, Zame, Yovoy, Pastime (Full List of Artists) Director of Photography: Michael Sato Assistant Director:Nicole Roman Lighting:Dorbyworks Editing:Spencer Groshong for Ineffable Music Location Scout:David Wong for Ineffable Music (About the Location)
This past Saturday (December 1st, 2012), True Modern set up a guerilla cocktail party inside The Carbon Warehouse. The abandoned ink factory housing Endless Canvas‘s SPECIAL DELIVERY Bay Area 2012 Mural Exhibit provided a beautiful contrast to the custom Modernist furniture displayed at the cocktail party. As models served h’orderves, guests were given flash lights and encouraged to explore three stories of the post apocalyptic museum. It was pouring rain and the flooded floors turned into giant mirrors giving new life to the artwork. Water ran through the eyes of murals from floor to floor creating the Bay Area’s own Trevi Fountain. What I thought was going to be a simple furniture shoot turned into one of the most gorgeous things I’ve ever seen.
A new breed of crime-fighter now stalks the urban landscape: the anti-graffiti vigilante. These dedicated blight warriors stop at nothing to rid their neighborhoods and cities of street art, stickers, tags, and posters.
Yet several of these vigilantes have become the very menace they set out to eliminate. In their relentless attempt to stamp out graffiti, they have turned to illegally and destructively painting other people’s property.
VIGILANTE VIGILANTE is the story of two filmmakers who set out to expose these mysterious characters and discover a battle of expression that stretches from the streets to academia.
Lady Karma and her friends threw together this impromptu music video while she was painting her piece on the third story of this years SPECIAL DELIVERY Bay Area 2012 Exhibit.
Filmed/Directed by Odell Hussey
Janaka Selekta & SETI X aka Mandeep Sethi come together for their first collaboration, bridging genres and generations of Asian underground frequencies. Filmed in the Endless Canvas Special Delivery Warehouse in Oakland, California, SETI guides the viewer through layers and layers of visual code and modern day supreme heiroglyphics blasted against the walls of concrete, speaking stories of struggle, happiness, and life. It's time to mobilize.