Graffiti painted by GATS – Poem written by Roberto Miguel
“Born Into Law. Tempered to Adhere.”
“Mechanized Rusting Marking Time. Clinging Toxic at Concrete.”
“This Poem is in its Cage. Each Letter is a Fence.”
“Bleeding the Sum of my Conditioning.”
“To The Border of Yours.”
“A Sun’s Wealth in a Fortress.”
“The Weight of Excess Rests on Fragile Clouds.”
“Laughing at Your Pitiful Subway Fare.”
“Glass Shatters.”
“Descending Shards Pin Skin to The Bounty of Dismantling.”
“The City Is Ours.”
This was the “BORN INTO LAW” Collaborative Street Poem Project executed by GATS in which he painted an entire poem in large scale rollers across the East Bay. Each line in a location relevant to it’s meaning. The project climaxed with a secret art show and celebration of community where the last line of the poem, “THE CITY IS OURS” was painted.