Posts Tagged ‘Germany’
1up – Frankfurt, Germany
Wednesday, November 11th, 2015Random Graffiti – Germany
Wednesday, May 20th, 20151UP CREW – Germany
Tuesday, May 19th, 2015BURAK Piece – Germany
Saturday, November 30th, 2013FREE ART CUXHAVEN 2.0 – International Call for Art
Monday, January 24th, 2011Time to represent the Bay Area!
(This call is translated into English from German.)
Exhibition to take place in April/May 2011 in Cuxhaven, Germany!
Yes, that’s right. There will be another round of Free Art Cuxhaven. Again they will collect works from all over the world, display them, and finally give them to the visitors the last day. They are offering the possibility to show your works, and to present a happy visitor with them.
There are no limitations in size, style or genre of your artwork.
Everybody is invited to take part, just send your work to the address listed below.
Last year, they had a great international response from street artists.
A lot of people from around Cuxhaven where very happy about the artworks given to them last year.
None of the incoming works will be sold or kept. To ensure you, have a look at the pictures from last year at .
In addition, they want to have a sticker-exhibition in this event. They would like to show you the variety of this medium. Therefore, they also collect stickers from around the world, and send questionnaires to all participants. These are supposed to show, what people they are, why they are into stickers, and what they want to reach doing so.
Also for this: everybody is invited to take part! If you create stickers by yourself, you’re welcome to send us some of those, as to fill in some questions. Don’t shy at larger numbers, we’ll have some stickers as giveaways, too. This will spread your stickers.
To enrich this event, they will try to have some livemusic there, too.
The show will be around april/may 2011, but start working on your submissions now. Entry will be free.
Send Submissions to:
Manuel Gross
Hadeler Heide 1
27478 Cuxhaven
Have fun creating, painting and drawing your submissions, as well as visiting our exhibition.