Posts Tagged ‘Punk Thugs and Vandals’
Brand NEW Print by Ras Terms, Grow and Broke (PTV)
Tuesday, December 1st, 2020GROW, BROKE, MYNX, SAD (PTV) – Marysville, CA
Monday, January 7th, 2019GATS – East Bay, CA
Saturday, June 23rd, 2018Photographer: L. Herrada-Rios
Monday, May 22nd, 2017BROKE (PTV) – New Orleans, LA
Monday, February 15th, 2016Sorry Mom is available here:
Tuesday, February 9th, 2016BROKE (PTV) – NorthBay, CA
Monday, May 18th, 2015GROW – North Bay, CA
Wednesday, April 29th, 2015GROW, BROKE – San Francisco, CA
Tuesday, October 7th, 2014The Board Show – Naming Gallery, 335 15th St, Oakland, CA
Wednesday, October 30th, 2013BROKE’S ARTIST STATEMENT:
“To the ones who feel that art can only be viewed in a library or museum, I respectfully say FUCK YOU. Art can be everywhere and be done by anyone, whether it’s good art or bad art has very little concern to me. I’m here to destroy the museums and gallery walls, to tear them down and get the art to the streets and end the pandering to the rich. We are the writers of urban folklore.
This series of collaborative Boards is about feeling good. We don’t do this to put a blind eye to the very real and destructive social inequalities going on in the streets, we do it because that shit doesn’t sell. We are broke and hungry and need some food. We are putting our homemade street signs up in the hope to brighten someone’s day. We do it to show a world worth fighting for where we can kick back and drink a beer and not worry about paying the rent, to not worry about the landlord calling the sheriff to come kick our doors down if the rent isn’t paid, because there aint no landlord in the first place and there ain’t no banks holding some phony piece of paper saying they own the rights to the land.
So here we are, you thinking we are all hypocrites because we are selling our art that you think should be free, on a wall somewhere in the streets, well guess what kiddo I pay rent too. I’m in the same boat floating down the same river of shit called capitalism. Even if I’d rather live my life without some fucko telling me to pay the rent, the reality is that there is this asshole telling me too. We are not here to tell you we know the answers. We are just here to point a big middle finger at all the landlords, bosses, cops and other figures of authority.” – Broke One PTV
Featuring artwork by Ras Terms, Turnip, OhWell, Logo, Yenta and others
Please don’t bring attention to the gallery by tagging the immediate area as they would like to keep working with graffiti artists in the future.