Posts Tagged ‘Art’

Summer Time Posters (part 2)

Thursday, June 20th, 2024



Artist: BROKE PTV (@MoreBeerLessWork)


  • 11X14.5 inches
  • Digital press
  • 100lb achieve matte card stock
  • Full Color

About BROKE aka Beer is Good
For over two decades, BROKEONE has played an integral role among the Bay Area graffiti landscape. His stickers, throws, pieces and wheat pastes adorn poles to walls. His work inspires residents and outsiders to question the discourse of public versus private space, as well as find humor among the day-to-day patterns we all feel confined by.


GATS Pop Up in PORTLAND, OR – Aug 24th, 25th 2019

Saturday, June 8th, 2019
GATS PTV pop up art show in Portland Oregan.

Artist: @GatsPTV
Presented by: Spoke-Art (Questions and Inquiries)
Location: Antler Gallery

Forbidden by Broke and Grow – New Art

Sunday, December 31st, 2017

Here some new art from our friends Broke and Grow here’s the link:



Sunday, October 22nd, 2017


Stickman Street Art Installation Santa Fe New Mexico.

We first noticed Stickman in front of the old Witney Museum in New York around 2009.  Since then we have spotted his tiny figures all across America.

He is by far one of the most prolific street installation artists in North America installing work for over 20 years.  That pre-dates the popularization of the term Street Art.  His work is rarely mentioned because you have to have an eye for hidden detail and travel a lot to really appreciate the scope of his placement.

NINA – Mural

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

Come get her NEW PRINT here:

NINA – San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017


NINA 19″x 25″ Serigraph

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2017

We first met Nina at Special Delivery #1 way back in 2009. Now Nina has murals all over the Bay and is running a Graffiti School for girls.

– 19″ by 25″ Inches
– 1 Color Serigraph
– Limited edition of 40
– 100 lbs Archival Paper
– Signed and Numbered by Artist


CCTV Art Install

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017


Wednesday, May 25th, 2016


More Beer Less Work Release Party/ DeadEyes Popup Show

Monday, December 7th, 2015

Comic Book Release Party /
Dec 11th 6pm to 9pm
at 14th STREET SUPPLY, (356 14th Street Oakland, CA)



ARTIFACTS – Portland, OR

Friday, March 6th, 2015

artifactsPhotographer: Mata-Hush

Chaotic Smilee

Tuesday, September 23rd, 2014

Broke, Broke One, sticker, Smilee, Graffiti, Street Art, PTV, STM, BBH, Punks Thugs and Vandals, Punks Thugs Vandals, Art,

Available Here:…

About BROKE aka Beer is Good
For over two decades, BROKEONE has played an integral role among the Bay Area graffiti landscape. His stickers, throws, pieces and wheat pastes adorn poles to walls. His work inspires residents and outsiders to question the discourse of public versus private space, as well as find humor among the day-to-day patterns we all feel confined by

Unknown – NorthBay, CA

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014


Sunday, March 9th, 2014

AKAYO “I hate the police they all can suck my dick

Endless Canvas: How many years have you been doing the art thing? (how many years have you been writing?)
AKO: I’ve been writing since 1994 and creating art pretty much my whole life and doing it for a living since 2006-7 i think..My mom is a artist so i started young.

EC: What graffiti artists influences your work? if you could go into some detail how they helped you out that, would be awesome.
AKO: My influences come from the streets of San Francisco and the Bay area. Revs, King Tie, Kr, Mr. McGee, Felon, Rem, Dug one, King Dream where always big influences in my graffiti. Growing up in the Bay I was exposed to the best graffiti in the world and thats all I saw growing up, we didn’t have internet back then so local graff was it. But my big influences in graf are my folks and friends like Serch UTI RTH, Smear, Rekoil, Otis, Graffia, Musk, Susr, Ceze, Branded, Melo and all the homies..

EC: What influences your work other than graffiti?
AKO: Skateboarding, making films, traveling, life’s ups and downs?

EC: Is beer good or bad?
AKO: Beer is good. I don’t drink much I’m way more of a stoner than dranker but beer is kool. Where the weed at?

EC: When was the last time you paid taxes?
AKO: Last year, I did some stuff for a few companies and had to pay taxes. Taxes suck. They just raised taxes here in california

EC: Rate your love for the police on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest?
AKO: I hate the police they all can suck my dick

EC: Would you call yourself a tagger, bomber, artist or what? And could you give a reason why?
AKO: I just do what I do, I’m not into labels.

EC: On average how many times do you go out and paint in a month?
AKO: I get up everyday I’m alive. For some reason I feel the need to write on something everyday, its apart of everyday routine. When I travel I write alot more cause new cities are awesome and I have to leave my mark.

EC: What era/ region of graffiti do you hold up as the greatest (NYC 80 Subway, 90’s LA, etc……)?
AKO: San Francisco 1990s where my all time favorite, its where I’m from seen and lived in. Some of the best graffiti and most groundbreaking bombing was going down in SF in the 90’s and still to this day. I would have like to seen new york during the subway movement,i bet that shit was sick!

EC: What got you started making art or keeps you making art?
AKO: I enjoy making art and I don’t know what else I would do with myself without art in my life. It has enabled me to travel,work on projects, make stuff I, show my work, pay my bills. I’m still excited about making art and when I’m not excited I’ll stop.

EC: What is your favorite beer?
AKO: hmmm weed.?

EC: Have you done stencils or wheat paste? (if not) Have you ever thought of doing such things?
AKO: I’ve done wheat paste before but never really into that much, I like tagging and painting. Wheat paste and stencils are both great mediums if used correctly.

EC: Do you see a different between what some call “street art” from what some call “ego graff/ tagging”?
AKO: Street art and graffiti have nothing to do with each other in my eyes, different ball game and lets keep it like that. I hate the term “street art”

EC: What is your feelings on the buff?
AKO: Its life we have to learn to live with it and its only getting worse these days it seems. Lately its still all about the streets but I’ve been painting more landmark spot where I know it will take the buff years to get it..?
AKAYO “I hate the police they all can suck my dick”
EC: You can only pick one to save from total destruction.
a. your mom
b. your girlfriend
c. your beer
AKO: my skateboard
EC: Nice try but your still wrong, its always beer.

EC: Could you give a brief history of your graffiti career? or. Could you give a brief history of your local graffiti scene? If you want to answer both that would be awesome.
AKO: I stared in 1994 in the sf bay area been working on the streets here since a young age. Grew up like everyone else who got into graffiti. I got into it from mainly from skateboarding and being a little punk kid looking to do some damage..

EC: Anybody you would like to shout out or give thanks to?
AKO: Everyone who’s supported me in my life journey, my family, My Family RTH, Smear, Serch, Osiris Shoes, All the galleries I work with and support me, 531 Gallery, Danny Warhol, my muse, Two Rabbits Studios, James, Susr, Yoshi, Jdis.

RX Skull – Portland, OR

Monday, October 28th, 2013