Posts Tagged ‘LA’

VERSZ, REVOK (Circa 2006) – Los Angeles, CA

Friday, January 20th, 2017

Revok MSK Graffiti Freeway Shot LA.

ZIPGUN LA – Los Angeles, CA – June 28th, 2014

Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014

Endless Canvas will be vending with a new unreleased Gats print.


ZIPGUN FOR LIFE – Photo Show by Dan Zipgun – 02/09/2013 – San Francisco, CA

Tuesday, January 15th, 2013

zipgunforlife web flier

ESTE, CHARM, HAEL – Los Angeles, CA

Sunday, July 8th, 2012

ESTE, CHARM, HAEL, OTR, Street Art, Graffiti, LA, ZIPGUN.

VOICE OF ART – First Episode “Street Artists Vs. Illegal Billboards”

Friday, June 29th, 2012
Voice Of Art (VOA) is a new documentary series that follows artists who exercise their first amendment rights while challenging, educating and healing their communities and themselves.

No two episodes will are alike – each features an artist or collective, and their chosen social issues. VOA documents as the artists unveil their messages in public through innovative artistic interventions.

BELLA CIAO Wheatpaste – Los Angeles, CA

Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Bella Ciao Street Art.

Lawsuit against AEG and Ritz-Carlton for Destroying Valuable Artwork

Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

( Article submitted by Erica Hess )                                                           

Zohar Law Firm, P.C. Files Lawsuit against AEG and Ritz-Carlton Residences for Destroying Valuable Artwork

 — Works of World Class Artists Valued at $100,000 Discarded —

Shark Toof Law Suit.
(Photo by Khoi Nguyen/

LOS ANGELES, CA –– A local art organization, L.A. Art Machine, and three prominent California artists, Mear One, Chor Boogie, and Shark Toof, brought suit today in federal court against Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and the Ritz-Carlton Residences at L.A. Live, owned by AEG, for destroying $100,000 of their artwork.  The artwork had been loaned to AEG and the Ritz-Carlton Residences for a high-end promotional event at the luxury condos located at L.A. Live, but instead of being returned to the artists, the artwork was dismantled and discarded, according to Daniel Y. Zohar of Zohar Law Firm, P.C. in Los Angeles, who is representing the artists and the L.A. Art Machine.

(Photo by Khoi Nguyen/

“What AEG did was in violation not only of my clients’ economic rights, but a violation of their moral rights as defined by federal and state law,” explained Mr. Zohar.  The Visual Artists Rights Act (VARA) and the California Art Preservation Act (CAPA) protect the rights of artists and forbid the desecration, alteration or destruction of works of art.

“These renowned artists had agreed to show their artwork at the Ritz-Carlton Residences to help AEG attract affluent potential clientele to their vacant, multi-million dollar condos.  Yet in return, their valuable art was coldly destroyed,” Mr. Zohar added.


DREW, TABLE – Los Angeles, CA

Sunday, October 23rd, 2011

Drew Table graffiti.

CRYPTIK – Los Angeles, CA

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

Cryptik Street Art Los Angeles.

L.A. VS WAR 2011 – Art Exhibit

Saturday, September 17th, 2011

LA vs WAR came back hard for the second time (the first time around being in 2008). Last weekend was the 10th anniversary of September 11th and was marked by this impressive artistic response to a decade of war and fear. Well over 120 prolific artists exhibited works themed around Anti-War, Pro-Peace and Anti-Occupation including statements on local issues like Gang Wars, Drug Wars, Immigration Wars, Environmental Wars and more.

LA vs WAR –
Hella Swag –
LA Weekly –
Warholian –
YouTube Video 1 –
YouTube Video 2 –
Neighborhood Watch –

(Above photos reads “This is Just a Phrase in Arabic.”)

(Above Silkscreen by Mear One)

Starpig NMG.
(Above Screen Print by Not My Government)

(Above piece by ABCNT)

(Above Painting by Paul Barron)

(Above Painting by Asylm)

(Above Painting by Lydia Emily)

(Above Screen Print by Nuclear Winter)

(Above Painting by Jauna Alicia)

CHASE Stencil.
(Above Stencil by CHASE)


SWOON Wheatpaste – Los Angeles, CA

Monday, September 12th, 2011

LA VS WAR Wheatpaste – Los Angeles, CA

Sunday, September 11th, 2011

Today, Sunday Sept 11th, is the last day of the LA VS WAR art exhibit! It’s open from noon to midnight and you can find more information at

GATS Hand Painted Wheatpaste – Los Angeles, CA

Sunday, May 15th, 2011
GATS Wheatpaste Los Angeles, CA.

Watch GATS process…

GATS (Graffiti Against The System) will be participating in the upcoming SPECIAL DELIVERY Street Art Festival to be held in South East Portland. July 1st-4th 2011.
More info here…

Invite your friends on facebook…

MEGS – Los Angeles, CA

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

MEGS, LA, Los Angeles, Street Art Graffiti

CHAZ BOJóRQUEZ – Los Angeles, CA

Monday, May 2nd, 2011

Chaz Graffiti Los Angeles CA.