Posts Tagged ‘EC’

EC DESIGN CONTEST – Win $100.00 and a FREE Shirt

Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

[wpsc_landing_page id=”1358864″ merchant_id=”1008704″ write_key=”de94c5e75171″]

ENDLESS CANVAS Bumper Stickers – Now Available

Saturday, February 4th, 2012

Endless Canvas Graffiti Sticker Packs for Sale.

Just got our stickers in from… the folks at Build a Sign were very helpful and they had a really fast turn around time. They are nice to work with because they are willing to do small runs and don’t charge for extra colors which is kind of rare.

Pick up a bunch of Endless Canvas stickers here…
The more you buy the cheaper they are.

ENDLESS CANVAS Best Handstyle Contest!

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

Endless Canvas Best Handstyle Contest.

– It is OK to submit more than one handstyle.

– Must be hand drawn. No fixed fonts.

– It doesn’t have to be on paper as long as the photo is high enough contrast that we can convert it to a clean solid black and white.

East Bay Alternative Press Book Fair – Saturday, Dec 10th, 2011

Friday, December 9th, 2011

ENDLESS CANVAS will be tabling the E.B.A.P.B.F. at Berkeley City College tomorrow Saturday December 10th, 2011.
FREE EVENT – Come grab inexpensive holiday gifts hand made by local artists!

East Bay Alternative Press Book Fair 2011.